A road bike ride like one you might see anywhere. Place and time play no role here, after all, racing cyclists are racing cyclists, no matter where they are or what time it is. When two roadies quarrel, both of them are happy. Let's pretend our story takes place in Frankfurt. Let's say that Phil and Ben meet up spontaneously. And so it goes like this...

He has integrated the road bike into his lifestyle perfectly. He is an athlete, but not someone who follows an ascetic life. He lives by the motto "no pain, no gain" and would never just put his racing bike in the cellar. Style matters to him, there are no compromises. He would never get on his racing bike wearing uncoordinated clothing.

You can tell that he is a racing cyclist through and through simply by looking at his legs. When his competitors spot him at the start of a race, they tremble. Training is the optimum leisure activity for him. He constantly seeks new challenges and the perfect pedal stroke with like-minded racers.


Two friends, two rivals. The classic constellation. No excuses, the road bike shows no mercy. When they're on their road bikes, it's all about the competition. Both competitors know exactly what to expect. The goal is the Feldberg. No joking around. Quite simply the highest peak in the area. It was always the same.

The first rays of sun warm the thighs. The muscles loosen from their torpor. But beware. The person who pulls away first can quickly exhaust all of their energy.

Things quickly calm down again after the first skirmish. Our rivals glide along proudly. But it's just the calm before the storm. Both literally and metaphorically. To increase the drama, the first thick drops of rain fall onto our competitors' cycle helmets. But look at the faces of our kings of the mountain. Are they afraid? No, we can only see determination.

A downpour breaks the truce
Small drops of rain build up into a downpour. This causes the already uneasy truce to crumble completely. Our competitors hammer their pedals in sync with the rain. Man and machine - all cast from the same mould.

Sweat, rain and mist mix together, making it difficult for them to see. Yet their goal remains in sight. The top. The first person to the top wins. The goal is so simple, but their legs feel so heavy. Whoever shows weakness now will lose. Our competitors unleash attack after attack. Nobody gives up. They push themselves to reach new records, to form an even deeper friendship. A friendship that evolves with each pedal stroke.


A race with no clear finish line. An endless race. A race with no clear winner. After all, the race is more important than the winner. The winner is repeatedly challenged and the leadership constantly changes hands. The race continues.

Nobody can escape the magic of the moment. That moment when aesthetics and elegance are driven by all the pent-up fury of raw strength. When the speed increases, with drafting becoming perpetual motion. One road bike locking onto the other’s slipstream. When you no longer feel the pain because it's been washed away by the adrenaline of the victory.

Our competitors’ road bike of choice: