Wheels on Fire
What does it take to make someone happy? Not much – as our after-work video shows. A simple mountain bike, always ready for action and perfectly tailored to fun, is all you need. Our FOCUS BOLD hardtail with plus tyres: out of the workshop and into the forest, that’s how to blaze a spectacular trail.

Helmet on, gloves on and head for the nearest mountain. Warm up slowly, ease into it gently. As my body starts warming up, I already have my goal in sight. My métier, my muse, my mixed forest. You have to strike while the iron’s hot, as the saying goes. Slowly, I start to pick up pace. The further I go, the harder my feet hammer the pedals. I find my rhythm and start going faster and faster. The path twists and turns, weaving and winding its way through the forest. Every movement has to be perfect.

My lungs fan the blaze inside me like a huge pair of bellows. I try to keep the pace steady and regular rather than running wild. Deep breaths. Mustn't get too hot. I home in on my optimum speed and my perfect trail temperature. I feel light and am overwhelmed by euphoria. This is my masterpiece. This is what I do best.

I have now reached my perfect blazing temperature. The ground below me is wonderfully soft and pliable. Perfect for really working it. My legs are pumping strongly now, and I speed up. I fly into a curve and send up a cloud of dust. The air is filled with the smell of churned-up forest floor, a unique scent that only we mountain bikers recognise. The alloy is just right and the trail mixture perfectly suited.

As I channel all my energy into the woodland mishmash, slowly but surely, my creation comes together. Another amazing after-work ride. Another trail tour that was well worth the effort. I fuse slope and jump, solder compression to curve and combine bike and beer garden, all in pursuit of a work of art.

One last flick of the wrist and the piece is finished. The tracks are impossible to miss. There are deep furrows of happiness etched upon my face. Now to sit back and admire the finished piece and cool off with a refreshing cold drink. The top fizzes as my body steams. A roaring success, and a trail I will definitely be repeating. The individual work will become one in a series of masterpieces.