Ride bikes not tanks Ride bikes not tanks

In light of current events.

We are far from having the solution and we know that world politics is never as simple as it seems. Nevertheless, we can fully agree with what we saw at Dynamic Bike Care and therefore want to share it with you.

#ridebikesnottanks is strongly connected to our values #ridetogether and #forabettertomorrow that we live up to. We think people should stick together and not fight each other.

We are aware that this post might not change anything and the message might sound too simple. But we also know that saying nothing means agreeing. We strongly believe that war is never the solution. This is our message to all aggressors out there.

Aktuell können wir wegen Wartungsarbeiten keine Bestellungen in unserem Click & Collect Shop annehmen. Wir bitten, die Unannehmlichkeiten zu entschuldigen. Wir arbeiten daran, dir den vollen Service sobald wie möglich wieder zur Verfügung zu stellen.

Aufgrund der anstehenden Feiertage kommt es leider zu Verzögerungen in der Auslieferung. Ab Anfang Januar 2024 werden wir die eingegangenen Aufträge bearbeiten.